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Panier Commander

White Gold, Black Hands, Ivory Sculpture in Congo vol. 1

Edited by : Marc Leo Felix

Compiled at The Congo Basin Art History Research Center, Brussels, Belgium

May 2010, 280 pp

Hard Cover

In association with The Royal Museum of Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium

Ethnic Art & Culture Ltd. Hong Kong

Tribal Arts SPRL, Brussels, Belgium

Published by GEMINI SUN Qiquhar, Heilungkiang

The People's Republic of China


Table of Contents

1 - Voorwoord, avant-propos, Foreword

Guido Grijseels

12 - Prologue 

Marc Leo Felix

16 - L'Ivoire : Définition et sources

Charles Meur


Ivory Sculpture in The Kongo Kingdom


74 - 1/Introduction

Marc Leo Felix

88 - 2/"The Making of"

Marc Leo Felix

100 - 3/Pendants

Marc Leo Felix

124 - 4/Staffs

Marc Leo Felix

178 - 5/Trumpets and Whistles

Marc Leo Felix

222 - 6/Een Afrikaanse Hybride Hoorn

En het Cross Cultural Gebruik van Trompetten en Hoorns

Ignace de Keyser

234 - 7/Litter Handgrips

Marc Leo Felix

254 - 8/Novel Souvenirs : Loango Coast Ivories

Nichole N. Bridges

270 - List of Figures

275 - Preliminary Acknowledgments

Ok - 01/20 - 10

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