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Panier Commander

African arts - Volume XIII - N° 3 - May 1980

African Studies Center

University of California

Los Angeles, California

92 pp

Joseph Cornet : The Itul Celebration of the Kuba

Dale Idiens : African Art at the Royal Scottish Museum

Christine Kristen : Sign-Painting in Ghana

Christopher D. Roy : Mossi Zazaido

Georgina Beier : Yoruba Pottery

Donald J. Cosentino : Lele Gbomba and the Style of Mende Baroque

Paula Ben-Amos : Patron-Artist Interactions in Africa

Philip M. Peek : Isoko Artists and their audiences

Lisa Aronson : Patronage and Akwete Weaving

Sidney Littlefield Kasfir : Patronage and Maconde Carvers

Judith Perani : Patronage and Nupe Craft industries


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